Main streets need a catalyst to inject new life

Sometimes main streets are stuck in the past. They are not attracting new customers and the street feels tired. The street is in slow decline year after year.

Out of the blue an opportunity comes along and BOOM!

This is exactly what has happened in O’Connell Street North Adelaide. Many failed attempts to develop the vacant Le Cornu Furniture site have left the street with a large vacant block of grass and dirt. Retailers have hesitated when considering vacant shop opportunities in the main street. Will the street improve over time? Will the vacant shops fill up? Does the street have a bright future?

Until now these questions were unanswered. O’Connell Street had many vacancies and some shops did not stay very long and the block of land just sat there highly visible in the middle of the street.

That has all changed thanks to the City of Adelaide Council and Commercial & General. Council took a calculated risk to stop the stagnation of the vacant site by boldly purchasing it to stop the cycle of inaction for over 30 years. Hats off to Council!

The next step was to go through the selection process to select a preferred developer. Commercial & General were the successful company selected to create and deliver a transformational project that would lift the profile of O’Connell Street nationally and internationally. The final step was achieved when the State Commission Assessment Panel  approved the plans for the ‘Eighty-Eight O’Connell’ a ground breaking, three tower mixed use development that will transform O’Connell Street, North Adelaide and the City.

The catalyst that will turn O’Connell Street around has arrived!